Transform grief into growth to discover love and renewal within yourself

Ebook Available for Pre-order on May 1, 2024

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"I am grateful simply for being alive and for the many blessings each new day brings. When I wake up to the sunshine and the beauty of nature, I'm reminded that life is truly a gift. John fulfilled his purpose, and now I recognize that I have my own important purpose to fulfill and share with the world."

—Susan Peters


Hi, I’m Sue. I’m a writer from Indiana, immersed in a profound soul journey after the heartbreaking loss of my cherished husband and best friend, John. Our story took a poignant turn on the day of our son's wedding when John was whisked away by an ambulance. He left this world four months later on Valentine's Day, and since then, I have been navigating the discovery of my newfound identity and cultivating self-love along the way.

Today, I aspire to live in harmony with both people and nature, dedicating time to exchanging unique stories and mutually supporting one another in exploring the authenticity of our true selves. Through these connections, I aim to foster higher vibrations of true love, contributing to the restoration of wholeness, connection, and oneness with the divine source energy, thereby playing a role in shaping the New Earth. Even beyond our earthly existence, the vibrational love energy remains, leaving a lasting impact on the world.

Discover Your Dreams…
Tap Into Your True Self…
Lead from Love.

"Loss comes in so, so many ways. But if we step out and have a little bit of courage to say, ‘Hey, here's a little bit of my story. What's your story?’ you'll be surprised that people are more willing to share what they've been through—and it brings out love in a whole new way."

— Susan Peters

My gift to you… A free audio on Love, Gratitude, & Service

In this audio, Sue shares her story and the insights she's learned through her grief journey. She was married to her husband John for almost 35 years until his untimely passing due to the bursting of his pancreas and the complications that arose.

The new Road of Widowhood has led her on a very interesting soul journey of finding and getting to know and love the new Sue Peters. She is passionate about sharing the life, love, and joy that can be found even on such a challenging road.